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Komo Magarima MP Francis Potape on trial for alleged misuse

KOMO-Magarima MP Francis Potape was in court yesterday over misappropriation charges against him involving K60,000 that was paid to him by his district following a claim he lodged.

State witness, Lambi Kings told the National Court trial that was presided by Deputy Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika that the finance expenditure requisition form bearing the claim by the accused did not comply with the Public Finance (Management) Act.

He said the K60,000 payment to the accused did not go through either examination by the examiner or a certification by certifying officers in the Komo-Magarima District, which made the payment questionable.

Mr Kings, who is an auditor and was part of the combined investigation team that investigated the books of Komo-Magarima District in November 2010 in connection with all public monies allocated into the district from the State and its agencies, said the claim of K60,000 by the accused was not registered by relevant officers in the district office.

Prosecutions claimed the K60,000 was improperly paid by the district to the accused and that amounted to misappropriation.

During cross-examination, Mr Potape’s lawyer, Justin Haiara, asked the witness numerous questions to establish whether his evidence is credible and that can be relied by the court.

When asked where the payment of K60,000 paid to the accused came from, the witness said he could not confirm where it was drawn from.

He said he wouldn’t know whether the monies paid to the accused came from the DSIP or recurrent budget.

 PNG Today/Post Courier

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