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Prime Minister Peter O’Neill to leave courts to decide on Ombudsman allegations

The Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill CMG MP, has expressed disappointment in the manner in which the Ombudsman Commission has referred him to the Public Prosecutor. The referral is based on three allegations:
1. Claims that the National Government did not follow administrative and financial processes in acquiring the UBS loan to purchase shares in Oil Search Limited
2. The sacking of Don Polye as Treasurer
3. Making a statement on EMTV relating to the lack of official consultation on the matter.

The claims follow the decision by the National Government to raise a UBS bank loan that enabled Papua New Guinea to buy back shares in Oil Search that have since increased in value by close to 500 million Kina. “It is disappointing that the Ombudsman Commission has chosen to take this course of action instead of following procedure and tabling its final investigation in Parliament,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said.

“This is a case of ‘sour grapes’ by former ministers who have been pushing this issue with the Ombudsman. I will see to it that these claims are fully tested through the court system and if there has been undue interference in this process it will be exposed. “This issue is already the subject of judicial review, that was brought about by the former Treasurer, so I am surprised that the Ombudsman is going around the judicial process to refer this matter.

“I have not been given adequate opportunity to respond to the Ombudsman before they sought to refer the matter.” The Prime Minister said he is unperturbed by the claims will continue to focus on managing the national economy and advancing the nation.

“In politics there will always be spoilers who seek to cause trouble for the democratically elected government, but we will not let this distract us from our economic development agenda. “My only concern is that investors are not put-off by ongoing political attacks. PNG has a robust democracy and from time-to-time attempts are made to undermine the government. But the government remains politically strong with more than 90 members in the Parliament and our results over the past three years in advancing the economy speak for themselves.”

The Prime Minister said the facts are clear that the loan was a decision of the Executive Government and was agreed by the National Executive Council based on the advice of senior government officials. There has been full disclosure of the process to acquire the shares in Oil Search and the investment has already delivered results for the people of Papua New Guinea. “Oil Search is by far the largest employer, investor and taxpayer in PNG, and it is right and proper for the nation to invest in this company in the interests of the people,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said.

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