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First Lady Lynda Babao-O’Neill: Women Have a Powerful Voice when United

Challenges faced by women and families can be addressed when women join together with a strong and united voice, this especially includes issues such as domestic violence.

Ms. Lynda Babao-O’Neill, the wife of Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill, highlighted the collective strength of women in the community in her keynote address at the launch of the Mubalu Women of Hope Federation in Baiyer, Western Highlands.

“We all share a love for family and community, and the way to address issues that are important to women and families is to work together,” the Nation’s First Lady said.

“Together we have one voice that is strong when we are talking to leaders and the community and this is a powerful voice. “We have the best country in the world, and in this country we must work for change in the good way.” First Lady Lynda said the Prime Minister is very aware of difficulties experienced by women around the country having come from the small village in Pangia, that like Baiyer, has seen the same challenges as are faced around the nation.

“The O’Neill/Dion Government introduced free education and health care because they know how this not only helps the broader community but helps women and girls. “Free education is making women stronger and more girls are now going to school than ever before.

“Health is another concern for women because if mothers are sick it hurts the whole family. We have free healthcare in our country and Mothers must see doctors if the are sick. “Women can now have control of their lives and go to school and go to doctors.”

Addressing the issue of gender-based violence, First Lady Lynda said violence is not just a problem for women, but it is a problem for all men and women in our country. She called on men to set an example for their children and return the support and women give to the men.

“We, the women, we are your number one supporters and you must look after us too. “We must show good example for our children and show them how to fix problems without violence. Our young people must not accept violence.”

On her visit to Baiyer on October 31, First Lady Lynda was accompanied by the Minister for Women and Youth, Hon Delaila Gore, and the Member for Mul-Baiyer, Koi Trape. The First Lady also presented a cheque for K150,000 on behalf of the Prime Minister to the Mubalu Women of Hope Federation to assist them with their programs.

The Mubalu Women of Hope Federation was formed by the widows, unmarried mothers, women living with HIV/AIDS, women living with cervical cancer and women affected by gender-based violence of Mul-Baiyer Lumaso District, to provide a support group to assist them address these issues.

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