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Parkop : Fast track Probe on Hanuabada killings

The National Capital District Governor, is urging the Police Commissioner, Geoffrey Vaki and N-C-D Metropolitan Superintendent, Andy Bawa, to fast track investigations into the recent Hanuabada killings.
Mr. Powes Parkop said, he wants the probe done quickly, as the Commission's Police Reservists have become the scapegoats, carrying the blame for the killings that happened on January 23.
The N-C-D Governor said, he's confident his men were not responsible for the shooting, as he's written a statement from the Unit Commander of the reservist team.
"The reserve unit, there was only one unit that went down at the request of the local people to clear out the road corridor because the vendors were, you know, from encroaching on the road corridor and preventing the local people from coming and going.They completed their duty around 11 o'clock.The shooting happened 3 and 4.That's about 3 hours later or 4 hours later.And it did not happened at the market place.It happened at the entrance of the village.Its about 200 meters away from the market:".
Meanwhile, N-C-D Metropolitan Superintendent, Andy Bawa said, he will not comment until investigations are finalized.

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