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Pangia Schools receive DSIP Funding to Improve School Infrastructure to Support Free Education Policy

The Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O'Neill CMG MP, has presented funding to two schools in Pangia that he said is an example of support being rolled out around the nation in support of the free education policy.

Making the announcement while visiting his electorate of Ialibu-Pangia along with Minister for Fisheries, Hon. Mao Zeming MP, the Prime Minister said the Government's free education policy is not only about getting more children into school, but also ensuring schools are properly resourced.

"When we promised the people of our nation that we would provide free education we also committed to upgrading school infrastructure," PM O'Neill said.

"This includes building more classrooms and teacher accommodation, and training more teachers right around Papua New Guinea. We are building teachers colleges in every province and upgrading school facilities.

"We recognized at the time the policy was announced, that dramatically increasing school attendance would place pressure on existing infrastructure and teaching resources, but our priority has been to get children into class while improving facilities."

Funding for the Kaluwe Primary School and the Poloko Primary School was made available from the Ialibu-Pangia District Services Improvement Program Fund.

PM O'Neill was in the district yesterday to officially open the new Kaluwe Primary School classroom, when he made the presentations to the respective school principals. He said DSIP funds provide an opportunity for members to resource important local projects that make a real difference to their people.

"The Kaluwe Primary School has been serving the people of Pangia since 2011 with limited infrastructure, and this is the first permanent classroom being built.

"I have recognized the needs of this school, given the increase in numbers of students from the Government's free education policy, therefore I have secured some funds from the DSIP funding to resolve these issues.

"Kaluwe Primary School currently has a total of 325 students and only six teachers to supervise them.

"I also understand that Poloko Primary School is also facing the similar problems of over-crowding of students, who further outnumber their teachers.

"Hence, I will be funding improvements to Poloko Primary School learning facilities."

The Prime Minister, as local Member, has engaged a solar company, Solar Solutions, to provide electricity for the school and its teachers' houses. He said he looks forward to introducing the initiative to all the schools and teachers' houses in his constituency.

PM Media Unit

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