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PNG Prime Minister condemns terrorist attack in Kenya

PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill condemns
terrorist attack in Kenya
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has condemned the terrorist attack in Kenya on Easter’s eve killing as many as 150 university students.
“Reports from Kenya indicate that the attackers deliberately targeted Christian students,” he said.
“Tragically, Christians in many countries have been the target of attacks in recent years and our nation looks to an end to the violence.
“As a nation of peace and a nation of hope for a better future, PNG calls for greater understanding and reconciliation to overcome difference.
“This tragedy reminds us once again just how evil terrorism is, and how all free and peace-loving nations must remain absolutely united and determined to destroy it in all its forms. Our nation joins with our regional partners in condemning this appalling crime, for which there can be no possible religious or other justification whatsoever.”
O’Neill said at a time when people around the world were celebrating reconciliation associated with Easter, the attack in Kenya had saddened and distressed many people

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