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Arawa students explore Panguna site on school excursion

The grade twelve science class at Arawa Secondary School travelled to the site of the former Panguna Mine for a geology excursion.
They went there with their subject teachers Mrs Doulas Eyal (Biology), Mr Tanis (Geology) and Ms Kiria (Geography).
The purpose of trip was to research on the different types of rocks which contains minerals and how they used to process and extract copper and gold from the rock when the mining was taking place.
Mr Tanis, their geology teacher said that the students discovered many things related to their field of study. The students saw and touched what they had studied in class, especially the different types of rocks.
Mrs Doulas Eyal, a biology teacher at Arawa Secondary, mentioned that with it is a privilege for the school to have a geology class because they can teach things in class and later they can go and explore the actual things at the Panguna mine site.
“The students were so excited on the excursion and for few students from others provinces of Papua New Guinea it was their first time to go to a mine site and discover such amazing stuff”, Mrs Eyal said.
“Some of the students even took with them pieces of rocks before they embarked to go back home on the truck after the excursion.”
The students themselves said that the excursion helped them a lot in their studies and enlightened them to study hard and become the geologists of Bougainville in the near future.

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