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Vaki guilty - Arrest warrant for Prime Minister Peter O'Neill still effective

Court found  former Police boss guilty for not arresting
Prime Minister Peter O'Neill. 
Former PNG Police Commissioner Geoffery Vaki has been found guilty of contempt by the National Court .
The court ruled Vaki deliberately and wilfully prevented the arrest of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill in June last year.
The warrant of arrest issued on June 12th, 2014 by the Port Moresby District Court remains effective to date, but a current judicial review proceedings filed by the prime minister at the National Court is on foot and will prevent it from being executed.
Sir Salamo Injia ruled the warrant of arrest was properly issued on June 12, 2014 after proper information was presented. Therefore it should have be effected without delay then.
It was further stated, Vaki's actions following his appointment was suspicious.
This includes Vaki applying back to the district court to dismiss the arrest warrant, instructed four police officers to protect the prime minister, told the media that the the prime minister will not be arrested as yet and delayed the arrest questioning its validity.
Sir Salamo said there was no need for him to do that, and all this amounts to contempt.
Vaki was found guilty on four counts and is out on own recognition bail.
He will appear again in court next Thursday for penalty submissions.
The prime minister was wanted by police for questioning over his alleged involvement in millions of kina paid to Paul Paraka lawyers in 2011.
Meantime, former crimes director Thomas Eluh says, this is the saddest day ever for the police force.
He says, its history in itself as nothing like this has ever been done before with junior officers taking their seniors to court and succeeding. NBC News/PNG Today

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