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LexisNexis ABA100 Winner for Community Contribution for advancing Rule of Law across the Pacific

Sydney, 14 August 2015: LexisNexis Pacific has been named an ABA100 Winner in The Australian Business Awards 2015 for Community Contribution.
The award recognises the achievements of LexisNexis in advancing the Rule of Law across the Pacific, a comprehensive program of support which includes partnering with governments and non-profit organisations to make justice systems more efficient and transparent; as well as documenting and making accessible local, national and international laws to citizens and professionals, essential to the proper administration of justice in the region. 
In addition, the company develops and publishes thought-leading and valuable content dedicated to supporting the Rule of Law including the Fiji Law reports, Papua New Guinea legal texts, Slave Free Seas module and Advancing Together, the biannual Asia-Pacific Rule of Law newsletter. In addition, as a founding member of the United National Global Compact, LexisNexis led contributions to the new Business for Rule of Law Global Framework.
Also, in the last fortnight, LexisNexis has given free online access to its extensive database of primary legal materials to several legal agencies in the Pacific region including Department of Justice and Attorney-General, Papua New Guinea; Attorney-General’s Chambers, Solomon Islands; Public Solicitor’s Office, Solomon Islands;  Attorney-General’s Department, Tonga and Ministry of Justice, Tonga.
“The resources provided to us through the LexisNexis platform is up-to-date information on court decisions from other jurisdictions, and it particularly assists us with research in areas that we are not familiar with,” a spokesperson from the Attorney General’s Department, Tonga, said. “Our access to LexisNexis ensures that we produce quality legal advice and it will also help improve our legal staff's research skills, information sharing and capacity building."

Jo Beckett, General Manager of LexisNexis Australia says: “We are delighted to receive this honour for our contribution to advancing the Rule of Law in the Pacific region. The rule of law is the foundation upon which prosperity flourishes and at LexisNexis we are committed to support local communities and developing nations to gain access to materials and guidelines that are essential to the proper administration of justice, which gives citizens the power to shape justice and advance society.
“We would like to thank our partners and everyone who gives generously of their time, advice and wisdom in helping us create sustainable and substantial long term improvement to communities in the Pacific and around the world”.
For more information about LexisNexis Rule of Law program please visit http://www.lexisnexis.com.au/rule-of-law/

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