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PNG Hunters beat East Tigers 24 - 22

The Papua New Guinea SP Hunters have defeated East Tigers  24 - 22  at the Kalabond Oval  this afternoon.

Below is the detail of how the game unfolded

Full Time :PNG  Hunters 24   East Tigers 22

78 mins. Tigers on attack
77 mins: Hunters on attack.
75 penalty to Hunters : Hunters shoot penalty: Hunters 24  East Tigers 22
72 mins gone: Tigers score 22 all score

70 mins gone: Tigers on attack
68 mins gone: Hunters on attack:
65th mins: Adex Wera scores. Hunters take the lead with successful conversion  Hunters 22 Tigers  18
62 mins; Hunters nearly scored: Tigers on attack.
 60 mins gone: Hunters on attack: Score PNG Hunters 16  Tigers 18
55 mins gone: Hunters score through Puara scores, conversion successful. Tigers 18 PNG Hunters 16
50 mins gone: Hunters repel Tigers attack. Hunters on attack
48 mins gone: Tigers on attack : Tigers 18  PNG Hunters 10
46 mins gone: Hunters on attack
45 mins gone: Tigers on attack
42 mins gone:  Tigers score:  Conversion successful : East Tigers 18  PNG Hunters 10
41 mins gone: Tigers on attack
Second half underway: Hunters restart

Half Time  :  East Tigers 12    PNG Hunters 10 

38th minute : Hunters on attack
36th minutes: Tigers on attack
32th Minute: Tigers score: Tigers 12   Hunters  10
30 mins gone: Hunters 10  Tigers 6
28th min: Tigers on attack
26th mins.  Tigers restart:  Israel Eliab catches the ball runs 100 meters and score. Hunters 10 Tigers 6
25 Minutes gone:  Hunters score through Noel Zemmings  Tigers 6   Hunters 6
22nd min: Penalty to Hunters. Hunters on attack
21 mins: Hunters on attack
20 Mins gone: Tigers 6 : Hunters 0

12mins gone. East Tigers Score Tommy Butterfield scores Tigers first try if the game. Conversion successful. ; Tigers 6 Hunters 0

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