Which way PNG after 40 years? Communalism or Capitalism?
By Peter Solo Kinjap
The primary purpose of the petition is to see the current system of the Government of Papua New Guinea change to a new Alternative Communal Government System as a measure to escape or minimize corruption. The new alternative government system will have the Constitution of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea at the helm, followed by a Supreme People’s Assembly (7.8 million people – Referendum of constitution), Council of Chiefs (comprising of chiefs from 1,000 different tribes in the country), Council of Churches (Representatives of Different Churches) and then the four arms of the Government; 1) Legislative (National Parliament/law making body), 2) National Executive Council (Public Service Machinery), 3) Judiciary (Courts/Law) and 4) National Autonomous Economic Corporation (The Economic Arm of the Government of Papua New Guinea).
People’s unit Trust Fund (PUTF) would be looking at the following functions to generate revenue: 1) Communal Contribution by the people (K300 per person by the 7.8 million people), 2) Collection of Tax, 3) Foreign Contributions, 4) Domestic Contributions, and 5) Forfeited money and Property.
The Melanesian Communal Development Bank (MCDB) would be responsible for the State Equity Deposits, Transfer of Equity Shares and Transfer of State Assets. The Bank would be people’s bank and it will be the coming back of the former Papua New Guinea Banking Corporation (PNGBC) to manage the Economic Affairs of the Government of Papua New Guinea. Every citizen of Papua New Guinea has been requested to open a bank account with MCDB with a K300 fix rate which also serves as buying share with the bank. This would mean whoever opens the account automatically become share holder of the bank.
The new system is aimed at eradicating the systematic corruption PNG is going through to a proper management of National Economy.
The Petition was submitted to the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea Honorable Peter O’Neil to implement the proposed changes but the Prime Minister has referred it to the people power referendum to decide as he cannot accept the proposal under the current system which is handicapping him. He does not have any powers under the system to accept such changes immediately but the people of Papua New Guinea do have the power to change under a constitutional referendum.
In order to cause a change to this, the 7.8 million people of Papua New Guinea would be requested to participate on a planned sit-in strike on the 26th December 2015. Advocator of this ideology, Newman Freeman, is conducting awareness all throughout the country. Yesterday at the Tabari Place, Boroko whereby many people turned up to witness and support (refer photos). Today it will be at the Gordons Market; tomorrow will be at 4mile Car Park and on Monday Mr. Freeman is travelling to Lae, Morobe Province and the following week in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea. The Organization is known as the Voice of Melanesia or Melanesian People’s Forum.
Many listeners from the streets have been convinced by the awareness messages and they are following the forum very closely.
To keep yourself on the loop of updates of this forum leading to the Big Day on the 26th December, 2015 or to get a copy of the petition, or a blueprint (concept paper) of this proposed change, please get in touch with them on: 73130830/72102893.
Photo Captions:
Pictures of Public Awareness conducted yesterday at Tabari Place, Boroko, NCD.
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