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Agreement signed to turn garbage to power

An agreement has been signed between PNG Power and Landfill Energies Ltd  in Port Moresby to turn garbage to power. 

"The project itself will turn most of the trash dumped daily at the Baruni landfill area to usable power energy that will be able to supply 2 megawatts of power to the city grid, boosting power to the residential and business houses," said Landfill Energies Director, Mr. Del Smeeton.

Apart from the Exxon Mobil Gas project, the Waste to Power Project is the next cheapest power generation option PNG Power has opted for the city’s power system.

On the social aspect of things, this project will create income earning opportunities for neighboring villages through the purchasing of rubbish from the villages to use for the plant, plus it will keep these villages clean. Already discussion have begun to link a planned cleaning program initially to begin at Tubuserea village to provide fuel supply for the power plant.

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