Lady Winifred Kamit addresses Oil Search Employees to mark International Women's Day

During her talk, Lady Winifred Kamit reflected on her journey as a Papua New Guinean woman and where she sees this path going.
"Both men and women have an integral part to play in the achievement of gender equality," Lady Kamit stated. "Collaboration is key to achieving a common goal."
In her role as the Executive Director for Coalition for Change PNG Inc., Lady Kamit further acknowledged Oil Search for supporting the organisation which has been instrumental in the formation of the Family Protection Act which makes domestic violence a criminal offence. International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year, as part of their #PledgeForParity campaign, United Nation Women has also called business and community leaders to take action on accelerating gender parity.
In 2016, Papua New Guinean women still face many challenges which impede parity but solutions are at hand, women are forging ahead to make a difference for themselves and others, and men are working with them.
Employees from Oil Search, PNG’s largest Company, have taken a stand on the issue of violence against women through its own celebrations of International Women’s Day, including the morning tea at which Lady Kamit spoke.
Oil Search is committed to a PNG with gender equality in which women are empowered to live productive lives free of violence. The Company’s Board has recently endorsed a five-year Women’s Protection and Empowerment strategy to help ensure issues are addressed within the Company and the communities in which it operates.
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