PNGFA launches National Forest inventory

PNG Forest Authority Manager for Climate Change (REDD) Mr Gewa Gamoga said the National Forest Inventory (NFI) will be used in the counting of Forest Stocks (trees, low land plants, mangroves, birds, and soil types), animal stocks and also insects.
Mr Gamoga said all data collected will be put together to assist the estimation of how much emissions PNG Forest gives out in a year.
He said the NFI was initially started last year and will run for three years but that time frame will be extended due to unimproved capacity building which needed boosting to cover all 4000 forest block around the country.
“The Inventory has covered only 2 blocks in Madang Province last year and will continue this year into 2017 which is the last year but it will be extended”, he said.
Mr Gamoga said the Inventory will be implemented in different meteorologists in different areas of tree types and animals, and soil types and insects for them to have accurate data or information to be put forward for the calculation of Carbon Emissions.
The Formulae to be used to calculate Carbon Emissions is adding ACTIVITY DATA, for instance logging or gardening with the EMISSION FACTOR to give the outcome of how much CARBON EMISSIONS is being given out (ACTIVITY DATA + EMISSION FACTOR = CARBON EMISSION).
The NFI was launched by the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and the Minister for Forest Douglas Tomuriesa in the presents of National Planning Minister Charlse Abel and the Works Minister Francis Awesa with representatives from JICA, EU, UN, FAO and others Diplomatic Corps and will be supported by the UN REDD+ Program.
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