Polye unhappy with court's decision over National Fraud heads

Opposition Leader Don Pomb Polye said he doubted whether the decision last week was “a plot to hang Mathew Damaru and Timothy Gitua out to dry until they compromise their duties and services due to lack of legal representation.”
“As we know the Attorney General Ano Pala has not been in good terms with Damaru and Gitua over his contempt of court or perversion of course of justice charges.
“It is imminent that Mr Pala may not give a nod to them for legal representation. In Marape’s appeal case which is in relation to a lower court decision of July 31, 2014 which was delivered in favour of the police to arrest him and the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill,” said a concerned Polye.
He queried whether the court considered the national interest when delivering that decision, which will obviously ‘buy time for the convenience of those in power.’
“Politicians involved in the case have not left any stone unturned in the court processes just to pervert the course of justice or for political convenience.
“It is unfair for the Prime Minister and his few ministers to use taxpayers’ money to settle their legal bills through the sanction of the Attorney General while the request of the two committed servants of the State will be ignored or delayed,” he said. LoopPNG/ PNG Today
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