ICRC conducts redeployment briefing with PNG Defence Force

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a humanitarian Institution with sole objective to ensure protection and assistance of victims of armed conflicts.
According Dan Waites the Communication Cooperation Delegate of the ICRC this training gives a solid understanding which focuses to educate the soldiers the basics of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and rules of engagement that governs armed forces in peacekeeping operations.
In conjunction with the United States Marines Corporations, 700 Taurama barracks based soldiers received the briefing in IHL from ICRC in which five PNGDF companies are currently undergoing physical fitness and other training.
Lt Col Edison Napyo, Commanding Officer of Taurama Barracks said that the briefings are important because it helps to improve the force’s understanding of international rules of war.
“Our soldiers need to be par with soldiers from other countries with regard to this type of knowledge and we are gratreful to the ICRC for supporting us in this area,” Napyo said.
ICRC Head of Mission in Port Moresby Mark Kessler said, the ICRC is very glad to assist the PNGDF with training in IHL. It is a postitive sign of their commitment to professionalism that they invite us to conduct these briefing this year.
The ICRC, which has a specific mandate to develop and promote IHL, conducts these briefings for peacekeeping forces in countries around the world. The briefings cover topics including persons protected in conflict, the role of the ICRC, and principles applying to the lawful conduct of hostilities, including distinction, proportionality and precaution.
PNGDF officers have previously been deployed as peacekeepers to Darfur and South Sudan, where the ICRC maintains one of its largest operations.
The ICRC has carried out pre-deployment briefings for PNGDF peacekeepers since 2011. This is the first time the ICRC has conducted awareness sessions for such a large number of soldiers in PNG.
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