PPP leader Ben Micah calls for coalition and Opposition to work together
“As leader of the Peoples Progress Party we are still very much part of the Governing Coalition that is led by the People’s National Congress Party (PNC) and we support Peter O’Neil as the Prime Minister of this nation.
The PPP strongly supports the O’Neill Government and the policies that we have delivered for four years and will continue to maintain solidarity within the Government, however I am calling upon sensible and responsible leaders of both the Opposition and Government to work together amicably because I don’t want this thing to escalate” said Minister Micah.
The Minister also made a call to the general public to remain calm at this time and let the mandated leaders of Parliament deal with the issues and decision of Prime Ministership.
He also called for all to respect the rights of the Prime Minister as the elected leader of the nation to have his say.
“As a veteran leader I have seen this all before in fact I was in the thick of it in Parliament during the Sand line issue, when there was blockades set up asking the PM Julius Chan who was part of our PPP and we are hearing the cries of our peoples at this time”, said Minister Micah.
Mr Micah concluded by once again appealing to the people of the nation to leave the decisions in the hands of the elected members of the National Parliament as they are mandated and duty bound to ensure peace and order is restored in the communities. PNGFM/ PNG Today
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