Dr Niblett not only solution to cancer in PNG

Mr Malabag said in a paid newspaper advertisement that Dr Niblett was recruited to provide radiation therapy and also develop capacity of the local doctors.
“It is a Department of Personnel Management requirement that professionals recruited from abroad must develop the capacity of local professionals. In the years he has been here he has not trained any replacement radiation/oncologists to expand the availability of specialists to the country, and he has not helped in the transfer of new technology,” he said.
Dr Niblett has been vocal about conditions at the Cancer Centre at Angau Memorial Hospital in Lae saying, among other things, that it lacked surgeon and anti-cancer drugs.
Mr Malabag said it was not in the best interest of PNG to pay huge salaries to expatriates who provide no training for local specialists, holding back the potential for increased for increased specialists care of cancer patients.
“Highly qualified and experienced radiation/oncologists from Australia and New Zealand who are willing to volunteer their time to support PNG until we have recruited sufficient full time specialists”.
Dr Niblett has a case pending in court in Lae for the Government to pay him his outstanding entitlements.
“We thank Dr Niblett for his contribution and the Health Department has ensured that all entitlements have been provided to Dr Niblett,” Mr Malabag said. Post Courier/PNG Today
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