PM Peter O’Neill Witnesses Nominations of Three PNC Candidates

The Prime Minster Peter O'Neill has witnessed the nomination of three People’s National Congress Party candidates in the past two days in districts around the country.
PM O'Neill travelled to Tambul Nebilyer, Western Highlands Province, yesterday for the nomination of the Hon Benjamin Poponawa, then travelled to Mendi to witness the nomination of Member for Mendi Open, the Hon De Kewanu MP.
Today the Prime Minister visited Kabwum in Morobe Province to witness the nomination of retired Judge Don Sawong.
Tambul Nebilyer, Western Highlands Province -
In Tambul Nebilyer, PM O’Neill drew attention to the importance of maintaining core policies of free education, healthcare, law and order and building critical infrastructure.
“Benjamin Poponawa is a man who stands up for his people, and he delivers our Government’s policies in critical areas.
“With the support of Ministers like him we have delivered free education, we have greater healthcare, we have better police and we are improving infrastructure in Tambul and around the country.
“If the Government was to change, all that will stop, and our people will go backwards.
“A different Government will stop free education and healthcare, they will go back to the situation where police are not properly funded, and infrastructure construction is abandoned.
“A different Government will stop investing in our country and go back to the way things were.
“They will lie and say there is no money, and you should not listen to lies.
“Even with a tough global economy and reduced income, our Government has never failed to deliver on our core services.
“Our Government will continue to deliver has we have for the past five years, and Benjamin Poponawa will be part of our team.”
Mendi, Southern Highlands Province -
Arriving in Mendi yesterday, the Prime Minister said it was clear that there is a lot of passion amongst the people for the electoral process, and he looks forward to fair and transparent elections in the area.
“We did not see any hot headedness that had been reported, and I found people in good spirits and the excitement of the elections was apparent.
“Mendi is gearing up for the elections and it is important for all people to respect the electoral process.
“People are excited to be taking part in the democratic process.
“With the changes people have seen in their communities over the past five years, they will have their chance to have their say on the members who sit in the next Parliament.
“Your Member and the Vice Minister for Works and Implementation, the Honourable De Kewanu is an outstanding representative for you and he is building Mendi to what it should be.
“De Kewanu has used his DSIP every effectively for his people and invested in services that change lives.
“Right around the country our Government has been giving power and authority to Provinces and Districts so they can decide what is needed and how funds are used.
“DSIPs and PSIPs are delivering growth and development from the ground-up, not imposed from above
“We have spent more than six Billion Kina through these programs and we are seeing true results.”
Kabwum, Morobe Province -
In Kabwum today the Prime Minister witnessed the nomination of retired Judge Don Sawong, who he said will bring many years of top-level legal experience to Parliament.
“Retired Supreme Court Justice, Don Sawong, has unique experience that he is offering to the people of Kabwum.
“In this electorate, that had been represented by our Governor General, His Excellency Bob Dadae, there is enormous opportunity to continue the work of the former member.
“In Kabwum and across Morobe the potential to continue advancing agriculture is enormous.
“The district and the province needs more elected representatives like Don Sawong, who can use their experience and knowledge to deliver for their electorate from day-one of the new Parliament.
“With 19 year’s experience as a judge, Don Sawong is one of the most credible new candidates that are going before the people our nation at this election.
“With experienced and honourable Members like Don Sawong, a Government is able to build stability based on the wisdom and credibility they bring to Government.
“For our country to truly advance, we require stability so that we can get on with the job of advancing Papua New Guinea and continuing the change we have set in place over the past five years.
“Only a PNC-led Government has the proven track record to continue taking our country to the next level.
“We stand before the people of our nation seeking their endorsement to continue the work that we began five years ago.”
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