Betel nut ban in Port Moresby not lifted : Parkop

"We also have not allowed betel nut to be sold everywhere in the city. The revised strategy is to only allow regulated sale on a wholesale and retail basis that is to be sold at approved locations in the city. There has been some locations identified already and has been officially designated as vending sites. Our management is also in the process of identifying new locations. Announcement has been made in the past and others will be announced later when locations are identified and confirmed.
Please note that there will be no sale either in wholesale or retail at major shopping malls and public places.
The revised strategy will also include spraying and cleaning the roads and surrounding walls of betel nut spittle. This will be rolled out soon when the cleaning products are in country. It's a shame for us to have to do this clean up of our own filth but some of our people are still letting us down. I wish people learn to chew responsibly.
Despite what critics say the city is much better now due to the ban. We never promise an over night success but we promised a journey. And we are getting there. Bahaviour and habits takes time to change but we will surely get there. Change is inevitable.
This new strategy is an opportunity for all of us to show that we care for our city, our health, our image and our city as a national capital and as the face of PNG. Let us take ownership and responsibility for its well being so it can give us a foundation for a better future". he said.
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