PNG to prepare for potential EL NINO event

United Nations Development Program Resident Representative Roy Trivedy said this workshop will provide a critical platform for the Government of PNG, humanitarian and development agencies to prepare for this potential El Nino event.
He further stated that if the country return to El Nino conditions without adequate preparations at national and sub-national levels, that could lead up to significant and severe humanitarian impacts.
Chairman for National Disaster Committee Mr Dickson Guina said collective effort is needed to deal with natural disasters that are said to occur.
Mr Guina said collective effort is vital when disaster strike and past experiences is needed to plan forward. He said early warning for El Nino is critical for the country to plan ahead and be prepared. He said such workshop hosted by UNDP is a great opportunity for everyone to learn and prepare when disaster strikes. He urged participants to focus on risk management during this two days workshop.
Acting Director for National Disaster Centre Mr Martin Mose said systematic approach is also vital when preparing for natural disaster such as El Nino.
Mr Mose said the workshop will help us to map out the potential impacts of an El Nino in 2017 based on climate modelling, current vulnerabilities and disaster impact modelling to aid planning of immediate risk management and response preparedness activities. He said risk for such natural event is real and full cooperation is needed.PNGFM
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