MPs free to vote PM of Choice : Dr. Kwa

Speaking on NBC's Election 2017 show last night Dr Kwa said this is regardless of which political party they align themselves with.
He made these comments as elected MPs move into respective political camps in Kokopo and Alotau.
Dr Kwa said there can be agreements between political parties but this is not legally binding on the floor of Parliament.
He said leaders of political parties have a huge task of keeping party members intact when it comes to the voting.
"I hope that all the elected leaders understand that they are still free, they are still free right on the floor of Parliament,' Dr Kwa said.
"That's when they have to make a conscience decision to support a leader who will help us as a country."
"It's no longer you're own personal agenda anymore, it's now a national concern when you cast your vote on the floor."
NBC News/ PNG Today
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