SIM Card registration in PNG further extended to April 30

The new deadline announced by the Minister for Communication and Information Technology Sam Basil and NICTA will bring comfort to those who have not registered their SIM cards especially for those in rural areas.
“NICTA and my office have been receiving calls from Churches and people in the rural communities not been able to access designated registration sites and my office has taken their request for an extension into consideration,” said Minister Basil.
Minister Basil warned that there will no further extensions after the 30th April and called on to all citizens to make it their business to register before the new deadline.
Mr. Basil expressed disappointment after noting from all 3 telecommunication operators that almost 1.5 million people have not made an attempt to register.
“We are very disappointed that PNG has the culture of last minute rush and challenged all subscribers, both in urban and the rural areas to start registering as early as more on PNG Technology site : PNG eHow
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