The Mission Quest 2018 - Education Begins at Home

Since I became Governor in 2007, I have always stayed back and worked during the Christmas and New Year period as I want to make sure everything is running smoothly without any major havoc or chaos in the city during this period as most MP’s are away during this time. I have been doing this baby sitting for the city and if needed for the country since 2007 and ready to be on call if necessary.
So my well deserved break was taken after the New Year once every one is back at work. I took 2 weeks break just to re-charge, re-store and re-connect with myself and my family. This time away is the single most important time for me before I give myself away to everyone, in the office of the Governor and also as member for NCD and as an MP.
This two weeks was amazing because now I am back, aligned with what is important to me and ready to take on the tasks for 2018.
I spent the 1st 8 days setting my personal goals, mission questing for what is important for me and for the city. I did this with a life coach and took time out just to relax and listen to music, eat light healthy food, did my medical checkup and also rested a lot. So relieved to say that my health status is good and I got a clean bill of health.
And on the 2nd week, I spent an entire long weekend with my children and grandchildren, sharing quality time and also supporting them in their mission quest and setting of their own personal goals. Mostly I shared with them that living responsibly means making a decision every day to live by our values and the goals we have set and ensuring that we live our life usefully, purposefully and to be responsible in everything we do.
Some key things that we discussed during the mission quest, not only for our personal goals but also the goals I made for the city include the 3 big “C” -
1. Clarity - To be absolutely clear about what we want and why it’s important for us. Clarity is also about being realistic about our goals and making sure that you have looked at every angle of your goal. To be clear helps us to move to the next step that is to have
2. Commitment - We have to be committed in whatever goals we set. Be courageous to set deadlines and set schedules. Our PNG way of doing things in the last minute without effective clarity and commitment is really a waste of time and wasted opportunity for growth and success. So it’s not just about making resolutions that we forget after the 3rd week of the year, but to be committed on something we are absolutely clear that we want in our life and lastly
3. Consistency - We have to be consistent to do what we desire. We cannot do many things and end up being good at nothing. Be consistent in everything you set your mind so you become a master at it, even if you fail you will know all aspect of what not to do again. Success will just follow to those who believe that they can make it. Even failure will give up on you when you are consistent and focused.
So the big C’s for the Capital City is Clarity, Commitment and Consistency.
I am sharing this to encourage everyone to have regular quality family time and together to support each other to be the best version of ourselves at all times starting from our homes. Let’s teach our sons and daughters from the cradle of our homes, good values, so that they can be responsible adults when they grow up and contribute positively to society and always be a part of solution not adding in to the problems.
This is my invitation to all of you reading this post. All our money, wealth, reputation and properties are nothing if we don’t honor ourselves and our family. We are losers if we loose ourselves to the demands of life without seeing the value in self-love, self-care and spending quality time with our children and family members. We have seen unprecedented number of deaths over the years, people just dying suddenly without preparation leaving families shocked and shattered. Our health is our wealth. Our family is our legacy.
If we all start today with educating our children from home, we will develop a better society with citizens who are responsible and respectful. Then we can achieve the bigger goals that our nation are crying out for especially our goals to be a violent free society without crime and without sorcery related violence. We have to start with ourselves and in our homes.
Education like charity, begins at home.
Wishing everyone a productive and successful 2018. May all our goals come true and I hope this personal post have be helpful to make a positive start in your lives. Please feel free to share if you find this useful.
Thank you everyone for reading. May God Bless us all.
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