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Government's 'Stupidity' will cost PNG K8.5 billion, Former PM O'Neill warns

Former Prime Minister and Ialibu-Pangia MP Peter O’Neill bluntly said yesterday the country does not need stupidity and leaders need to have common sense.

Mr O’Neill, the man behind the Papua LNG Project, said yesterday that so much time was wasted and that the review of the Papua LNG project alone has cost a multi-national resource company, Oil Search, K8.5 billion.

“This is just the beginning. When the bill for voiding a legitimate contract comes in, it will be many times that. And both still pale by comparison to what the country will lose when the global investment community hear of what is going on.

“This does not only happen in today’s cut-throat world of business and commercial relations,” Mr O’Neill warned.

“I must say this, the country right now does not need stupidity,” he said. “The country needs brains to run the nation and making sure that the country does not lose its focus.

“We are not the only gas-producing country, but we are in fact one of the smallest in the world which are up against giants and I must say we have been very lucky to have these developers at our backyard.”

Next :Pruaitch can Question Election of James Marape as PNG Prime Minister : High Court

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