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PNG PM Marape Calls on Opposition to Show Instances of Corruption

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape has challenged the Opposition 'Crown Camp' to show to the country any instances of criminal or corruption issues he has been involved in over the last 18 months. 

He said this in response to the Opposition naming Aitape-Lumi MP Hon. Patrick Pruaitch has its alternate prime minister in the no-confidence motion against him. 

"I ask Opposition to show one instance of corruption that I have been involved in over the last 18 months that I was in office," Prime Minister Marape said. 

"Just one. 

" I ask the nine ministers who've left me to show  the country one example of corruption that I have been in. 

"Show the country one serious constitutional breach I have been involved in.

“There is too much misinformation and hot air from the Crown Camp on what they want to do in 2021 before 2022 elections. 

“The Crown Camp has three former prime ministers and nine former deputy prime ministers, those who have led the country over the last 45 years. 

"Tell the nation of corruption I have engaged in the last 18 months I have been in office, tell the nation of my poor work performance, tell the nation of my wrong decisions." 

Prime Minister Marape said the nation also deserved to hear from the alternate prime minister what his plans were for 2021.

“The nation deserves to hear from the alternate prime minister on what the Opposition will do in 2021 if they get into Government, " he said. 

" We also want to know the  Opposition’s school of thoughts for the future of the country.

“Tell the nation what you will do better that I am not doing. 

Next : Governor Juffa puts up K1 million for Police in Oro

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