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PNG Government to Engage Army for Major CIVIL Works

The Papua New Guinea Government is focusing on engaging the Papua New Guinea Defence Force in major civil works around the country.

PNG Government to Engage Army for Major CIVIL Works . NBC Photo 

Prime Minister James Marape says they will particularly concentrate on major infrastructure developments.

Mr Marape says this is part of the national government’s focus to see the PNG Defence Force growing through the reforms it envisioned in alignment with the government’s policies.

The Prime Minister said, one of the action plans is to grow the force to 10,000 members by 2030.

He says as such, certain agencies have been parked under Defence to implement the government’s strategies.

The Prime Minister was speaking as the guest of honour and the Minister also responsible for Defence during the elevation of Captain Philip Polewara as the Deputy Chief of Defence Force recently.

Source : NBC / PNG Today 

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