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Health Expert warns Papua New Guineans on Delta Wariant of COVID-19

A public health expert says at least 70 per cent of the Papua New Guinea's population need to be vaccinated to protect citizens against the deadly and easily transmissible Delta variant.

Dr Daoni Esorom, who is also the Deputy Controller of the National Pandemic Response, emphasized that vaccination will only be for those who are 18 years old and above. 

Dr Esorom in a statement says the Delta variant, which was first detected in India last October, has spread to at least 98 countries with low vaccination coverage. 

It has spread through Europe, parts of Asia, South and Central America and Africa, and is now present in Australia, Indonesia and Fiji – closer to PNG.

Dr. Esorom says 70% immunization coverage will enable PNG to slow the spread of COVID-19, save and protect lives, drive an economic recovery, and stop further dangerous variants from spreading. 

He says people who are not vaccinated are at a risk to themselves and others if they become infected because they will carry the virus and spread it among the population. 

Dr Esorom warned there is a higher risk the Delta variant, if and when it enters PNG, will mutate and become more serious and dangerous. 

He says the Delta variant is 50 to 70 per cent more transmissible than the Alpha variant and is the fastest and the fittest variant that threatens PNG, given its presence in neighbouring countries. 

Dr Esorom says people must listen and comply with measures issued by the Controller to stop the Delta variant from entering PNG.

Source :NBC News / Photo

Next : ABG, PNG JSB meeting in Enga today

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