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PM Marape farewells PNG Kapuls for FIFA World Cup qualify with K500, 000 funding

PNG  Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, MP, farewelled the PNG Kapuls on their campaign for the 2022 FIFA World Cup with a funding assistance of K500, 000, last night (03/03/22).

Prime Minister Marape challenged the team to make Papua New Guinea proud by not just doing their best but to give their all with no fear.

He said not only Papua New Guinea football but all Papua New Guinea sporting codes should not only aim to do their best, they must aim to win.

“If Jamaica and Fiji can bring back Gold and win for their country, so can Papua New Guinea teams.”

The Prime Minister also called on sporting code administrators to put in proper systems to grow and export sporting talents from the country to overseas sporting competitions.

He said a way to do that and sustain the program is to start in schools’ development programs.

Prime Minister Marape urged the PNG Football Administrators to work together on that program as the Government is willing to work with them to create an avenue that will provide employment opportunities for the youth through sports.

The Papua New Guinea Kapuls will leave our shores on Monday, 7th March 2022 to start their World Cup campaign in Doha, Qatar.

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