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Attorney General Seeks Courts Interpretation on Convicts who wish to contest PNG General Elections

The Attorney General Dr. Eric Kwa is seeking the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court's interpretation on whether persons who have been convicted by a Court of competent jurisdiction are eligible to nominate to contest the National General Elections.

The Attorney General filed a Special Supreme Court Reference under Section 19 subsection 1 of the Constitution.

Solicitor General Tauvasa Tanuvasa says the Attorney General is concerned that the interested persons who might be intending to contest the National Elections, but have criminal convictions against them.

Mr. Tanuvasa says the Attorney General, therefore, wants the Supreme Court to help clarify this issue by interpreting the questions of law being raised in the special reference. 

The matter is expected to be listed for Directions Hearing next week in order to progress it to a substantive hearing before a full Supreme Court bench, in an expedited manner. 

NBC / PNG Today

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