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PNG Opposition Unanimously Nominates Hon. Allan Bird as Alternative Prime Minister Candidate

The PNG Opposition has announced their unanimous decision to nominate East Sepik Governor Honourable Allan Bird as the alternative Prime Minister candidate in the upcoming vote of no confidence.

The decision, characterized by absolute consensus, saw no room for bickering, unnecessary debate, or political pressure. The Opposition leaders emphasized their commitment to supporting a leader they believe can effectively steer the nation towards better governance and restore credibility.

PNG Opposite Files Vote of No Confidence notice. Photo supplied

Hon. Keith Iduhu praised Governor Bird for his leadership and dedication to serving the country. The endorsement from the Opposition team, which comprises two former prime ministers, two former deputy prime ministers, several senior cabinet members, and a group of first-time MPs seeking change, underscores the confidence placed in Governor Bird.

Acknowledging past differences within the Opposition, Hon. Iduhu highlighted the unity displayed by the group today, setting aside disputes for the collective goal of securing a brighter future for the nation.

In addition, Hon. Iduhu congratulated Honourable Douglas Tomuriesa on his appointment as the Leader of the Opposition and first-term leader Honourable James Nomane as the Deputy Opposition Leader, expressing confidence that the Opposition is in capable hands.

Addressing skeptical colleagues who may have reservations about the vote of no confidence, Hon. Iduhu urged them to consider the alternative candidate, emphasizing Governor Bird's clean record, integrity, ability to address uncomfortable truths, and intelligent contributions. He encouraged MPs to objectively compare Governor Bird with the current leadership, emphasizing the need for a thorough assessment after five years of James Marape's leadership.

Quoting James Marape's own words, Hon. Iduhu reminded everyone that the Prime Ministership is not a birthright, stressing the importance of scrutinizing leadership based on merit rather than entitlement. The Opposition's decision reflects a collective effort to present a viable alternative and invite a critical evaluation of leadership for the benefit of the nation.

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