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Australian Policing Program Empowers PNG Detectives in Forensic Training

 Detective Senior Constable Shiela Hakaiwa and Constable Jane Koma, both serving in the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary, have achieved significant success in advancing police forensics skills in East Sepik and Morobe, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Australian High Commission in PNG.

Australian Policing Program Empowers PNG Detectives in Forensic Training [Photo by Australian High Commission PNG]

Under the Papua New Guinea – Australian Policing Partnership (PNG-APP), these dedicated officers completed a specialized Scenes of Crime Officer (SOCO) course, generously supported by the Australian Government. The training covered essential aspects of crime scene management, search techniques, sketching, note-taking, photography, and fingerprint examination.

Forensic science plays a crucial role in police investigations, contributing to successful prosecutions. The PNG-APP, facilitated by the Australian High Commission, actively supports the RPNGC in delivering effective policing services, with a focus on enhancing investigation processes related to serious and organized crime.

The accomplishments of Detective Senior Constable Hakaiwa and Constable Koma underscore the positive impact of international collaboration in strengthening law enforcement capabilities in Papua New Guinea. The Australian High Commission congratulates them for their dedication and success in this critical field.

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