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PNG's Highlands Highway Section Washed Away Amid Heavy Rainfall, Disrupting Travel

 In the aftermath of heavy rainfall last night, a significant portion of the Highlands Highway at Nebilyer in Western Highlands Province has been washed away, prompting concerns and travel disruptions.

The unrelenting downpour led to the erosion and subsequent collapse of a segment of the Highlands Highway, creating a challenging obstacle for vehicular traffic. The affected area has become impassable for vehicles, compelling commuters to navigate the compromised section on foot to reach awaiting vehicles on the opposite side.

Heavy Rainfall Causes Section of Highlands Highway at Nebilyer to Wash Away, Disrupting Travel [Photo credit : Samuel Raitano]

According to journalist Samuel Raitano on the ground, Commuters relying on the crucial highway link from Southern Highlands and Hela Provinces to Mt Hagen via Walum will experience disruptions. The washed-out section has effectively halted travel, causing inconvenience and delays for those dependent on this vital transportation route.

The heavy rainfall during the night resulted in the washout of a crucial culvert, giving rise to a significant drain and watercourse cutting across the highway. The force of the water has rendered the road impracticable for vehicular traffic.

Authorities and relevant agencies are actively assessing the extent of the damage. Immediate efforts are underway to address the issue and initiate restoration work to reopen this essential transportation artery. Commuters are advised to exercise caution and seek alternative routes until repairs are completed.

This incident highlights the vulnerability of infrastructure in the face of adverse weather conditions, prompting a swift response to mitigate disruptions and ensure the safety of travelers. Stay tuned for updates on the progress of repair and restoration efforts.

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PNG Defence Force Unveils New Aircraft in Maiden Flight

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