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PNG Defence Force Unveils New Aircraft in Maiden Flight

 In a significant milestone, the Papua New Guinea Defence Force Air Transport Wing proudly showcased its latest addition to the fleet during the aircraft's inaugural flight.

P2-703 Takes Flight:

On February 7, 2024, the PNG Defence Force Air Transport Wing's state-of-the-art aircraft, P2-703, soared through the skies for its maiden voyage. The momentous occasion was marked by the skilled piloting of PNGDF Major Randall Hepota, with Royal Australian Air Force Wing Commander Tim Shaw as his co-pilot.

P2-703 Takes Flight [Photo supplied]

PNGDF Commander Approves Aircraft:

Acting PNGDF Commander, Commodore Philip Polewara, formally approved P2-703 as an official PNG Defence Force aircraft under the comprehensive PNG Defence Aviation Safety Framework. The final documents were signed, solidifying the aircraft's status within the PNGDF's aviation capabilities.

Strengthening Defense Cooperation:

The introduction of P2-703 is part of a broader initiative to enhance Papua New Guinea's sovereign aviation capability. Australia, under the Defence Cooperation Program, has been collaborating closely with PNGDF to revitalize and strengthen its air transport capabilities. As part of this collaborative effort, Australia generously gifted two PAC-750 aircraft to Papua New Guinea in 2023.

This strategic partnership underscores the commitment of both nations to bolstering defense capabilities and fostering regional cooperation. The PNG Defence Force's acquisition of P2-703 represents a significant step towards modernizing and ensuring the effectiveness of its air transport capabilities.

Next : 

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape Extends Gratitude and Reflects on Historic Ties in Address to Australian Parliament

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