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Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape Extends Gratitude and Reflects on Historic Ties in Address to Australian Parliament

 Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape delivered a momentous address to the Australian Parliament, expressing deep appreciation and reflecting on the enduring relationship between the two nations.

In his opening remarks, Marape acknowledged the Traditional Custodians, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri People, and paid respects to their Elders, past and present. He extended warm greetings from the people of Papua New Guinea to Australia and congratulated the nation on its recent 236th national anniversary, Australia Day.

 Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape Extends Gratitude and Reflects on Historic Ties in Address to Australian Parliament [Photo ABC Australia ]

Prime Minister Marape delved into the historical perspective, recounting the visit of Chief Kondomo Agaundo from the highlands of Papua New Guinea to Australia in the 1950s. He shared a prophecy made by Chief Agaundo about future generations speaking in the language of the Australians, highlighting the fulfillment of this prophecy in the halls of the Australian Parliament.

Expressing deep honor, Marape noted the historic nature of being the first Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea to address the Australian Parliament. He underscored the significance of the moment, characterizing it as a unique chapter in the PNG-Australia relationship.

The Prime Minister emphasized the shared history between the two nations, noting that Papua New Guinea is the only country birthed by Australia. He recognized Australia's instrumental role in administering PNG until its independence in 1975 and expressed gratitude for the contributions to shaping PNG's democratic institutions, legal system, and education system.

Marape acknowledged the challenges faced by Papua New Guinea, including economic fragility and diverse cultural landscapes. Despite these challenges, he highlighted the resilience of PNG's democracy over the past 49 years.

Turning to ongoing reforms, the Prime Minister discussed structural changes in governance, public services, judiciary, and law enforcement, aimed at enhancing efficiency and fostering economic growth.

Highlighting Papua New Guinea's economic progress, Marape noted a substantial increase from K5 billion to over K111 billion. He expressed aspirations to reach K200 billion within the next decade, showcasing the country's commitment to economic development.

Expressing gratitude, Marape thanked Australia for its continuous support in education, health, and infrastructure development. He extended an invitation to the Australian leadership to join in celebrating Papua New Guinea's 50 years of nationhood in 2025.

Emphasizing shared responsibility, the Prime Minister envisioned a Papua New Guinea that is economically independent and contributes to regional safety, security, and prosperity. Marape highlighted the cultural and familial ties between the two nations, describing Australia as PNG's big brother or sister.

Concluding on a note of hope, Prime Minister Marape invoked a Greek proverb, urging both nations to plant trees for future generations. He expressed deep gratitude for Australia's enduring support, expressing hope for continued blessings on both nations.

Also read

Historic Address as PNG Prime Minister Marape Expresses Gratitude To Australia in Parliament

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