Higher Education Office to provide one way tickets to UPNG students

Minister Malakai Tabar said it is understandable that the University cannot be able to complete this semester as planned, when almost 4 weeks of classes were disrupted.
Meanwhile Minister Tabar has clarified that his department will be facilitating the tickets for students but he made it clear that it is only for one way ticket.
“If we give them tickets to go home, that is their final ticket for the whole year and if they decide to come they will have to find their own ticket to come back,” he added.
Minister Tabar said everything is budgeted for, including the tickets for students and his department cannot issue a return ticket for each student in the same year.
Meanwhile Minister admitted that the UPNG Senate’s decision may affect this year’s academic year and next year’s academic also but it all comes down to how the Senate re-plans the academic year. PNGFM/ PNG Today
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