Prime Minister Peter O'Neill acknowledges receiving student petition

“I have received the petitions from the UPNG and UNITEC Student Representative Councils.
“I thank the students for the mature manner in which the petitions were presented to my delegation.
“There are several assertions that are made in the petitions for which considered and detailed briefs will be prepared and presented to the UPNG and UNITEC Student Representative Councils, he said.
“Considering that several of these matters are before the courts, comment must be carefully considered so as to not undermine court proceedings.
“A number of claims have been made that relate to the national economy for which comprehensive analysis will be provided to students.
“Papua New Guinea is a country in which democratic process is universally cherished and respected by our people.
“Every citizen has the right to speak their mind so long as this is done in a way that does not undermine the rights and safety of others.
“I commend students who have expressed their right to free speech in a responsible manner.”
Meanwhile, the students have given Prime Minister Peter O'Neill to respond within 24 hours on their demands. Failure to respond to their request will lead to their mass withdrawal from their studies.
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