King of Tonga approves changes in Cabinet

The appointments became effective from 6th March, 2017.
According to a statement, the Deputy Prime Minister, Siaosi Sovaleni continues as the Minister for Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications.
Mr Sovaleni also assumes the role of Minister for Foreign Affairs which was previously under PM Pohiva’s portfolio.
Tevita Lavemaau, who was the Minister for Revenue and Customs, has been reassigned to the ministerial portfolio of the Minister for Finance and National Planning.
Pohiva Tu’i’onetoa is the new Minister for Revenue and Customs. He will continue in his role as Minister of Commerce, Consumer, Trade, Innovation and Labour but no longer be the Minister for Police, Prisons and Fire Services.
Sione Vuna Fa’otusia continues as Minister for Justice and will also be the Minister responsible for Prisons.
Mateni Tapueluelu, People’s Representative of Tongatapu No. 4 Constituency is the new Minister for Police and Fire Services.
The changes came about as a result of the removal of Minister for Finance, ‘Aisake Eke after he abstained from a no confidence vote in the Prime Minister last week.
Photo: Tonga’s King Tupou VI
Source: Press Release
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