PNG Opposition warns of Justice compromised

Mr Polye in a statement doubts whether the Investigation will bring to maximum justice the alleged culprits involved, adding that citizens would not be surprised to see it whitewashed again.
He said over K2 million allocated for the inquiry is yet another waste of taxpayers’ money amidst the country’s cash-strapped economy.
Mr Polye stated that the administrative inquiry will duplicate investigations by Ombudsman commission and anti corruption and fraud squad.
He said Queens Council John Griffin who was appointed by NEC to head the inquiry is Prime Minister Peter Oneill’s close friend, Jimmy Maladina’s Lawyer who suspended Maladina’s sentence in relation to the misappropriation of over two million kina belonging to the National Provident Fund.
Mr Polye pointed out that the health facilities were operating without or with fewer drugs and with other medical kits coupled with the current nonpayment of PNG’s membership fee to United Nations Organisation.
Adding that over 300 government sponsored students at the University of PNG need such funds to enable them to graduate.
NBC News /PNG TOday
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