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Port Moresby Based May Bank robbed

The country’s leading security firm, G4S Security lost six million kina of its client’s money to thieves last Friday in Port Moresby.

An armored G4S Security vehicle transporting money for its client to the Central Bank was held up and robbed at the Champion Parade.
The robbery took place between 8:35am and 9 o’clock in the morning.

Metropolitan Superintendent Andy Bawa yesterday confirmed that four G4S Guards were transporting nine trunks of money totalling six million kina for their client, Maybank, from their base at Harbour City to the Central Bank when the incident took place.

He said one of the four guards turned around and held his three colleagues at gun point at Champion Parade, locked them up in the armored vehicle and transferred the money to a waiting vehicle.

Mr. Bawa said the thieves fled in that waiting vehicle and the matter was reported to police late.

No one even attempted to note down the registration number of the vehicle involved in the robbery.

Mr. Bawa said they are now investigating the matter; however, they are appealing to the public who were there at that time to come forward with any information to help in their investigations.

The locked armored vehicle with the three guards was abandoned near Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Meanwhile, four security guards are in police custody in Port Moresby, as investigations continue into one of the city's biggest bank robbery in history.

A record six-million Kina, was robbed from the May Bank last Friday, when security guards escorting the money to the Bank of Papua New Guinea, turned on their escort commander, taking the cash trunks in broad daylight, at Down Town Port Moresby.

National Capital District Chief of Police Operations Chief Inspector, Perou N'dranou told PNG Today, an investigation team is already in place and is making headway in their probe.


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