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Schools across the nation have been warned to comply with instructions from the National Education Board, or be accountable for their actions.

The warming stemmed from continuous defiance by schools, to maintain a maximum of 200 Kina as project fees.

Education Minister, James Marape told parliament, under the Tuition Fee Free policy, they are trying to discourage unnecessary fees imposed by schools.

Mr Marape, says under this arrangement, there'll be certain amount of money allocated to infrastructure development, stationary and administration, among others.

He says, he will be issuing circulars through the Education Secretary, to ensure all schools accept not more than 200 Kina as the standard project fee.

"If (any) schools charge above K200, I will recommend strongly, and see to it that those school boards are dissolved and call for appointments of new school boards.

"This annoucement is not new.

"We've been announcing this since 2011, the project fees are maintained at K200," Marape told Parliament.

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