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PNG Police Minister says Police did not shoot refugees

Police Minister Nixon Duban
PNG Police Minister Nixon Duban says injuries suffered by asylum seekers at the Manus detention center were not from police gun shots.

He said that yesterday after being briefed by Police Commissioner Tom Kulunga that Police only fired warning shots as the fight inside the center increased and posed a threat to G4S security guards.

He said the fight started among the asylum seekers inside the detention center on Sunday over the slow processing of their refugee status.

Two police officers and three G4S security guards were injured during the riot.  Eight of the asylum seekers jumped over the fence and tried to escape but were arrested by police. They were charged under PNG Laws.

Duban said two asylum seekers were seriously injured and were taken away.

He said, Police Officers are based outside the center while the G4S security guards are inside the center. 

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