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O'neill: Villagers did not involve in Manus detention center riot

Prime Minister Peter O’Neill has rejected suggestions, that villagers in Manus were involved in the riots at the Asylum processing center in Manus.

Mr O'Neill said, he received no reports and there was no indication of the Manus people being involved in that incident.

He said, the media is trying to portray, there was a lawless situation on Manus but that is not the case.

He adds Police were called into the centre only at the request of the management of the processing centre because their security guards were unable to control the situation.

Mr O'Neill said there were gunshots fired to calm the situation and that was not to harm any particular persons.

He said reports that one person received gunshot wound to his buttock is being investigated.

The Prime Minister said over the two days the Manus villagers and other Papua New Guineans living nearby were subjected to some level of danger by the disgruntled transferees, but they behaved well.

He said we have to commend the people of Manus for coping with all the disturbances that have been going on there.

The Prime Minister stress that the investigations currently underway will be thorough, and will include a search at the centre for weapons.

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