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3 men arrested for forgery

Police have arrested and charged three elderly men with forgery and uttering.
It was established that the three men all from East Sepik Province were using fake cheques from the Morobe Provincial Treasury Office to do business with business houses in the city.
Provincial Police Commander Mr Kaiglo Ambane said these men used an original cheque to scan and copy the cheque’s serial number onto the scanned copy and were carrying it to buy goods from business houses.
He said the three had been arrested and charged while trying to cash out the fake cheque at Alpha Enterprise in Top town.
Investigation is still in progress.
In the meantime, PPC Mr Kaiglo Ambane warns business houses operating in the city to be cautious when receiving cheques from their clients after the arrest of three men.
Ambane warns business houses to at all time check the back of the cheques in making sure that there should be two original signatures at the back otherwise it should be reported to police or refuse the cheque.
Source: PNG Today/PNG Village

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