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Dion: Rural areas seeing developments

Apart from major infrastructure developments in the nation’s capital, there are also visible positive progress of infrastructure investment in provinces, districts and local level governments.

Deputy Prime Minister and Inter Government Relations Minister Leo Dion highlighted the government’s commitment in an official address to the Milne Bay Provincial Assembly last week during a ministerial visit to the province.

He said the government was fully committed to investing heavily in infrastructure developments that would have trickle-down effects on service delivery. That was why the government was investing in improving the image of the police force, improving existing police and army barracks around the country and at the same time investing in new accommodation for members of the police force, he said.

"We are also investing in the improvement in our correctional institutions and under the judicial services, investing in new court room buildings and facilities in province centres, districts and even local level governments.

"We have also included Peace Officers and Village Court Magistrates under the government payroll for the first time commencing this year," Mr Dion said.

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