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O’Neill: Economy to pick up, critics have no answers

PAPUA New Guinea’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will rise by 2015, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill says.

Next year, the economy will pick up close to 20 percent increase in economy growth making it the fastest of any country in the world. The economy growth in 2015 will provide many opportunities to ordinary Papua New Guineans.

Speaking at the opening of new Kaugere Health Centre last Thursday Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said talks of our economy declining are just mere politics and rubbish. Mr O’Neill said some of the MPs who are now criticising his government’s economy policies are people who have no answers to solve the problems of our country.

"Some of them were part of the government in the past and they have done nothing with the management of our economy," the PM said. "They have done nothing to invest in infrastructures, health and education and law and order in the past.

"Too many sweet talks but the outcome is nothing," Mr O’Neill said. He said many of the developments happening in our country through the government do not mean that they have surplus money.

"It does not mean that we have opened new gold, copper mines and even the multi-billion Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) project money is not here yet, it will be in 2015. "But we are managing what we have currently by spending and managing the funds wisely.

"That’s the main reason there is developments happening in our country in education, health and infrastructures," said Mr O’Neill. He said two years ago less than one million kids attended school, however now we have two million children in school because of good government policies.

"In addition the free healthcare and education policies and the partnership with our churches are starting to work effectively." Mr O’Neill said in many parts of our country people’s lives are being saved because they are able to receive better medical services and the communities are able to go to the hospitals through the government’s free health policy.

"I know politics will still be here, but we must give credits to where it’s due to acknowledge the good work done by our MPs and governors. "We must acknowledge and support them and this is why I am here with Moresby-South MP Justin Tkatchenko and NCD Governor Powes Parkop. "Port Moresby is developing because of good strong leadership and the partnership they are providing."

PNG Today/Post Courier

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