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PNG, Australian Governments to improve justice, protection for families

The Papua New Guinea and Australia governments have started conducting a series of workshops across PNG to improve access to justice and protection for the most vulnerable families and children.
Chief Magistrate, Ms Nerrie Eliakim said the  workshops will be held in each region over the next two months to build awareness among district court staff on the laws relation to Family Protection Act and Juvenile Justice. "The workshops will also assist Magisterial Services (MS) develop regulations to implement the laws.
The first workshop is currently being held for the Southern Region at the Gateway Hotel from 11-13th August 2014. "The Family Protection Act was only recently passed and we need to ensure all our Magistrates understand this piece of legislation and it's intentions, " Ms Eliakim said.
She said this was particularly critical now that there is a specific recognition of domestic violence as a crime. "Family and sexual violence is a serious matter and we want to be able to respond appropriately and sensitivity so that those who go through our district courts are not further traumatized.
While it is an awareness-raising opportunity for our Magistrates, we will also use these workshops to develop regulations to implement these laws." she said. Ms Eliakim said senior provincial magistrates (PPMs) are "at the frontline" of making the PNG Government's vision of a just, safe and secure society for all a reality.
"Their wealth of experience will help make the laws work. "The workshops will raise  awareness on guiding principles with dealing with juveniles.

PNG Today/Post Courier 

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