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Kramer arrested on ‘conspiracy to kill’

PRIVATE businessman and administrator of social media entity "PNG News", Bryan Kramer, was arrested yesterday afternoon in Port Moresby on allegations of conspiracy to kill.

This was confirmed  to the media by NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Andy Bawa yesterday   about the controversial arrest that has since gone viral on social media.

Supt Bawa said Mr Kramer was arrested on allegations of conspiracy to commit murder. Supt Bawa said he had only been made aware of the arrest after being contacted by the media, adding that the arrest was prompted by a complaint laid by Madang MP Nixon Duban.

The allegations were that Mr Kramer had planned at some point in time to cause the death of Mr Duban, who is Petroleum and Energy Minister in the Peter O’Neill-led Government.

Supt Bawa said the allegations were serious and that questioning and further investigations would have to be made before a statement could be released.

In a text message sent before he was cut off from communications, Mr Kramer had told members of his social media group to publish that he was confident any charges or complaints made against him were all on unreasonable grounds that had no legal standing and were only attempts to put pressure on him to deter his social media work.

The arrest was made at Port Moresby’s Ela Beach Brasserie at 2pm yesterday.

Patrons of the restaurant who witnessed the arrest said uniformed officers arrived at the hotel in two vehicles and made the arrest. The arrest comes straight after Mr Kramer was accused at the weekend of publishing news about the Prime Minister’s referral to a tribunal on social media prematurely.

Prior to his arrest, Mr Kramer made it clear that his publications on social media were only made after a press release from the Public Prosecutor was issued on Friday last week.

Mr Kramer and Mr Duban have contested the Madang Open seat in 2012, the result of which Mr Kramer disputed, leading to last year’s by-election. PNG Today/Post Courier

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