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PNG Produced Movie, "Grace" premiers at the Paradise Cinamas

23 year old Tina Wesley is an art student at the University of Papua New Guinea and stars actress in the latest PNG’s very own home grown movie “Grace”.

Tina, who performs the leading role as GRACE, never thought she would one day be the main performing actress in any movie until she was tasked to do so.

Tina said performing as Grace quite challenging for her as her personality was completely opposite to Grace’s.

She also said that she has learnt a lot by performing the role especially when she had to own the personality and work with the Director.

“What I learnt from the movie itself, was the acting part of it, simply  because I did not have much experience and I was nervous while  standing in front of the cameras and being someone else in a totally new role ,”  said Wesley.

She said the movie is about a young girl who has a dream to become a lawyer but she is under estimated by her family by making decisions for her that will affect her dream to be a lawyer.

She adds “Grace is a shy young woman who grew up with a decent family and has no idea of the outside of world but she has a dream and as she follows her dream, she encounters many challenges.”

Tina said the movie is for young girls who have dreams but are faced with many obstacles.

She urged all young women to catch the premiering at the Paradise Cinema’s on 4th of December as it will be a great lesson for them. pngtoday/pngvillage

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