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First PNG LNG Project Custom-Built LNG Carrier Named Papua

The first PNG LNG Project custom-built ship was officially named in a ceremony at Hudong Shipyard in China on 8 January. 

The LNG carrier, named Papua, was built by Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding Group (Hudong), 

and can carry approximately 172,000 cubic metres of LNG. The Papua is the largest LNG ship of 

this size built in China.

Lynda Babao-O’Neill, the wife of Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, acted as the 

ship’s godmother at the ceremony.

The Papua will be operated by Mitsui O.S.K Lines (MOL) on behalf of ExxonMobil PNG Limited 

(EMPNG), and is expected to be delivered to Papua New Guinea in early 2015. Including the 

Papua, four dedicated carriers will ship LNG for the PNG LNG Project to customers in Asia. 

These are the Spirit of Hela, Gigira Laitebo and another ship currently under construction by 


ExxonMobil congratulated Hudong for building the first LNG carrier for the PNG LNG Project.

EMPNG Managing Director, Peter Graham said, “We are pleased to be celebrating another 

milestone with the naming of the Papua, the first custom-built ship for the PNG LNG Project. This 

is a demonstration of the Project’s ongoing success.

“With the support of PNG government and community, we are proud to have completed the PNG 

LNG Project ahead of schedule. The PNG LNG Project is important to the economy of Papua 

New Guinea and has created significant, long-lasting benefits for the country,” he added.

Media Release

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